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Welcome to Club Butterfly

Welcome to Club Butterfly - an earring subscription service.  Join the club to ensure you are getting club only styles at the lowest prices.  Club designs will be exclusive to the club for one year before they become available to non-club members at the full price.  Dangles are retailing at $15 a piece now, but club members pay only $39.99 for 3 earrings each quarter that are shipped to your door - that's $12 per earring plus $4 in shipping.  That's why these will be quarterly shipments - I want to keep shipping costs down for you.  

Whether you are delighted by dangles or prefer smaller studs, we have a pack for you.  Treat yourself or a loved one to some fun mail each quarter. 

How it Works:

Choose your club - we have three clubs, Seasonal Dangles, Seasonal Studs and Abstract Dangles.  The seasonal style clubs will have earrings appropriate for any holidays in the month (In 2023 we had Rabbits for April).  The Abstract club features geometric and Boho style earrings.    Earring sizes for the dangles are approximately 1.5-1.8" long (plus findings) and .5" for studs.

When you start your subscription you will receive the earrings for that month and the next two months in your first shipment.  Three months later you will receive the next three months worth of earrings.  For example, orders that arrive in March will get earrings for March, April, and May.

Some of the earrings each month will have a set color (for example the patriotic earrings will always be red/white/blue) while others can be colored to suit your preference.  If no preference is marked then you will receive artist's choice.

All earrings in the club packs will be club exclusives for 12 months - so the only way to get them is to join the club.

How Do I Join?

Click on the subscription type below that tickles your fancy.  The link will take you to the shop page.  Fill out the form - don't forget to indicate color palette so you actually get colors that coordinate with your outfits.  Make sure the subscribe button is checked before you submit your payment.  Wait for the fun to start!

Sample Earrings from 2nd Quarter 2023 Seasonal Dangles Pack

If you love to celebrate all the holidays in grand style this fun whimsical package is for you.

Sample Earrings from 2nd Quarter 2023 Abstract Dangles Pack

If geometrics or boho is more your style, this is the box for you.  Each quarter you'll receive 3 earrings in various patterns.

Sample Earrings from 2nd Quarter 2023 Seasonal Stud EarringsPack

If you love to celebrate all the seasons, but prefer smaller studs, this is the package for you.

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